Traveling and Money

Since I am currently planning my trip to beautiful Indonesia the money issue is always  on my mind. I work a lot for my trip. But of course, I also want to work for my daily life expenses. Whenever I walk into a mall, I ask myself the following questions:

Do I need this? Do I want a nice dinner in Indonesia or do I want a Starbucks coffee?         Sometimes I even try to find excuses to buy things, because I might “need” or wear them on my trip. Rubbish if you ask me.

I salute you! I salute the poeple who are able to strictly save up money and can resist the urges of a consumer. I respect and admire you!

If traveling was free, I would literally not come back until I craved German food. But I am pretty sure that is how all explorers of this world feel. And I salute you, too.

SO in order to stay on my track and keep up the work, which can be really exhausting I put together some tips to do so.


If your trip is far in the future and you still have months and months to go, it can be easy to focus on your daily life rather than your goal of traveling. In the end you might not have saved enough money to make your trip happen. Therefore, print out pictures, constantly make arrangement for your trip. Get vaccinated, make plans for the trip you probably won’t stick to. But it doesn’t matter as long as you keep your goal in front of you without getting frustrated about your life at home! You know why you are doing this!


Using your debit or credit card all the time can seduce you to buy more things all together. You won’t have a bad conscience anymore, because you can’t see the lack of money until you check you bank account. Go to an atm once a week and get as much as you think you will need. Only use more for emergencies, or absolutely unstoppable cravings. I said ABSOLUTELY unstoppable! You will know how much you spent at the end of the month and know how much of your savings you will need for daily expenses.


It really depends where you are going in this world! Go to countries, you know to be cheap. South East Asia for example gets you paradise for a great value. South America is just the same. Of course, you might want to visit other places of the world as well, but as a young, energetic and (let’s be honest) broke person, stick to the cheap ones. When you are young it is easier for you to stay in hostels with people you don’t know. So go for it. You can find occasional luxury there for a fraction of the money you’d spend in an expensive country.

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