
It is a widespread belief that after you have exercised your body produces more endorphins. Those hormones are, among others, responsible for happiness, or at least temporary luck. Well, I can tell you, I have experienced this “rush” almost every time. Just today I got into my car, pumped up the music and jammed until I felt so embarrassed when other people saw me that I stopped for a short time. But all the sport fanatics out there know what I mean when I say “rush”. You get home after work and feel exhausted. How could you possibly feel better after exhausting your body even more? But yes, it is possible. And since you know that you will feel better after, exercising can almost become an addiction. I push myself harder and harder every time to walk out of the class with bones like jello and the feeling of flying, because I cannot feel my legs. Right now I enjoy this feeling, because it helps me to enjoy the rest of the evening instead of lying in my bed feeling like crap. But I know people, who actually get addicted. They work out more than once a day, always trying to achieve this rush. It’s a drug.

On the other hand, sugar, for me it is chocolate, can do the exact same thing to you. Especially people who like Candy (like me. LOVELOVELOVE Candy and Chocolate) tend to reward themselves for hard work or a small achievements with sugar. The mind connects sugar with a reward, and you feel better, more energetic. But only for a moment. As your insulin drops quickly you feel hungrier and weaker than before, feeling you have worked hard. You get another piece of Candy.

I proudly announce, I have both addictions. Even if I manage not to eat sweets for a week or so, I just value it too much.

Don’t agonize about little flaws. I feel a little Candy addiction can’t do harm. It’s not alcohol or worse. And as long as you don’t value exercise more than the people you love…what can seriously be wrong with that? There will always be people judging judging you. “You work out way too often” Or you will be judging yourself eventuelly. “I should’t have eaten that Kinder Bar”.

Find your own balance. It’s all about how you achieve “unconditional happiness”(read on my Creation page). I do by working out and jamming in my car. Even better with a Kinder Bar between my teeth.

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